Posts Taggati ‘noexpo’
Appello corteo studentesco
Expo 2015 dovrà essere un’occasione per i movimenti di intrecciare le lotte capovolgendo la vetrina a nostro vantaggio, usandola come facciata dei problemi reali che ci circondano e che costituiscono il nostro presente.
Per tanto invitiamo il 30 aprile tutti gli studenti e tutte le studentesse che nel proprio futuro non vorranno limitarsi a obbedire senza farsi domande, ma cercare di costruire una società migliore in grado di farci sviluppare il nostro potenziale umano che abbia come obbiettivo quello di distruggere la miseria, l’ingiustizia e l’oppressione. Per noi la data del 30 Aprile è una data fondamentale che si inserirà nei 3 giorni di mobilitazione no Expo dove tutti gli studenti e le studentesse, i collettivi e le realtà politiche nazionali ed internazionali porteranno le proprie esperienze di lotta rivendicando la possibilità di un mondo diverso e di una vita degna di essere vissuta.
Le città sono di chi le vive! Lo dimostreremo tutti i giorni rompendo la loro routine scandita dai ritmi del business , rivendicando la nostra alternativa. Lo dimostreremo Giovedì 30 Aprile, Venerdì 1 Maggio e Sabato 2 Maggio scendendo per le strade di Milano.
Per costruire questa grande mobilitazione studentesca invitiamo tutte le realtà, i coordinamenti ed i collettivi studenteschi a livello cittadino, nazionale ed internazionale ad una assemblea pubblica a Milano Sabato 11 Aprile.
Contro expo per una società migliore!STUDENTI CONTRO EXPO
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the international fair of Expo 2015 – “feeding the planet, energy for life” – the big event that will devastate our city and that will allow the government to consolidate and intensify the precarisation of life and work, leaving our generation with no future.
For us, opposing Expo means fighting against a socio-economic model that aims at exploiting both nature and mankind, providing profit for a few at the expense of us all. Expo 2015 will be a showcase of our society and of all the contradictions that go with it, where exploiters and speculators present themselves to the public as promoters of sustainable-development models and where we will be reduced to the role of passive spectators, with no chance to express our opinions and our dissent.
Our generation will be most affected by Expo 2015. With unemployment among the younger population at 47%, the administrators of Expo are asking young people to work for free and to donate their labor to the big fair and to the mafia that manages it behind the scenes. Italian students must not only suffer the insult of being asked to work for free, but also endure the transfiguration that our cities(city?) will undergo in the process.
The idea of those who manage the city is clear: to transform Milan into the symbolic city of neoliberalism and of global financial capitalism. All public spaces where people can interact with one another are going to be reconceived from the profit angle: parks will be enclosed, cameras will be put up everywhere and any form of independent activity not compatible with the system will be repressed. In this situation, our generation finds itself with neither prospects nor dreams.
Expo 2015 must be an occasion for the political movement to link up the various social struggles, converting the Expo showcase to our advantage and using it to show everyone the real problems that affect our society and that constitute our present time.
Therefore, on the April 30th we would like to invite to Milan each and every student who questions orders, thinks critically and will actively try to build a better society. A society in which everyone can develop their human potential and that aims to destroy misery, injustice and oppression.
For us, April 30th will be an extremely important date, which will be part of the three-day NoExpo mobilization in Milan. During these three days every student, person, collective, national and international political group will contribute the experience of their struggles, in order to assert that a different world and a life worth living are possible.
The cities belong to those who inhabit them! We will affirm and demonstrate this every day, disrupting their profit-based routines and showing them our real and concrete alternative. We will affirm and demonstrate this on April 30th and on the 1st and 2nd of May on the streets of Milan.
In order to build this major student mobilization, we would like to invite all student associations, initiatives and groups at the urban, national and international level to a public assembly that will take place in Milan on Saturday, April 11th.
Against Expo for a better society!
Yes Mayday #NoExpo
Da Milano all’Europa: primo maggio 2015 tutt@ a Milano, capitale della crisi.
Al settimo anno di crisi, l’orgoglio precario si è tramutato in rabbia e indignazione per la disoccupazione dilagante e l’immiserimento crescente che le politiche di austerità, dettate da BCE, Fmi e tutta l’eurocrazia, hanno imposto alla maggioranza della popolazione, particolarmente in Italia, Grecia e nel resto dell’Europa Latina.
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